Wednesday, January 27, 2010

pEEp This: To-orist

I originally came across this t-shirt line to-orist last year in Elle (my favorite fashion publication) and fell in love with this zebra crew-neck.  Designer Brian Gathii has since created four seasons of his one of a kind tees (the one shown below being in his first season).  Some adorned with special holographic effects and even real cork are definitely pieces that will grant you attention.  The designs are so simple yet complex, I love how a tee can be used as a blank canvas to express any and everything!

I picture this with a leather mini, colorful tights, and sexy black shooties! or Some distressed rolled denim shorts and Dr. Marten boots.  That's just ME..funky...:)

Some more Favs below

 Leopard Zip




(All images provided by

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