Sunday, January 31, 2010
spHOTlight: Fanciee & Fashion....
I got a chance to ask the face behind the production above a few questions :)
and YOU know I had to post some of my FAV looks of Fanciee...
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
pEEp This: To-orist
Check out the site!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
MEag: The SUN's about to SET!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Prioritize Organize Discipline
I haven't posted in awhile mainly because I haven't been inspired. I know right? Sad face. However something inspired me to write this. I have been recalling the message that I heard in church last week and that was to Prioritize Organize and become Disciplined in those things. Outside of being super busy at work, feeling out of sorts, being overwhelmed, etc. I have just been plain ole' uninspired (the irony considering that my last post encouraged others to find inspiration in the smallest things). I have been thinking and I created this blog because (I) wanted to inspire others, be it through my words, passion, or fashion. It's not all about (ME). With that being said in reflecting on last weeks message I embarked on Prioritizing and Organizing things in my life and learning to be Disciplined and steadfast in those goals. I have written down things (in no particular order) that I want to accomplish, do more (or less) of, get better at etc.
1. Get back to my love of reading for ENJOYMENT
2. Make more time for my nephews
3. Commit to posting on the blog 2-3 times a week
4. Eating and LIVING better
5. Laughing more
6. Set a schedule for cleaning (ugh)
7. Follow through
8. Reading the Bible (daily)
9. Re-do my business plan
10. Finesse my Networking skills
11. Finalizing my product development phase (iaME)
12. Work on being more PATIENT
13. Become more physically active
14. SAVING money
15. Actually USE my sewing machine
16. Finalize my logo (iaME)
17. Love fearlessly and openly
I know it may seem like alot, but as long as I wake everyday with the notion to improve on one or all of these things then I've made a difference. Wish me luck on Prioritizing, Organizing and being Disciplined in my efforts. Happy Saturday! Now back to watching 'The Pregnancy Pact'.
Monday, January 4, 2010
MEag: 80's Baby
Friday, January 1, 2010
MEag: The Shoulder Craze
I picked up this vintage jacket at a Thrift store about 2 years ago. This is my first time wearing it although I used it for a shoot previously. Something about it caught my eye way before the strong shoulder craze hit the runway. It's my new favorite thing in my closet.
Style Tip: If you are apprehensive about strong shoulders gradually work your way into the trend. For instance try a shirt with shoulder embellishment like the one shown here or a blazer with shoulder pads instead a top with the full on poof sleeve shown here.
I love both of these options however the latter is a little more straight-forward. Be aware of your body shape and type, play with the proportions and don't overkill!