Sunday, February 6, 2011


So Nostalgia's Attic will be launching soon.  I'm feeling a lot of emotions at once.  Anxious, excited, nervous, terrified, ecstatic, giddy, happy annnd sad.  I sometimes sit and wonder if I'm in waaaaay over my head?!  Usually immediately following I think "why not?!"  I never want to look back 5 years from now thinking what if? what could have been? you know? In any event it will definitely serve as a learning experience, whatever the outcome!  I'm optimistic for SUCCESS! Wake up people =) if you have a PASSION, a WISH,a DREAM, or GOAL go for it the best way you know how.  


A lot of people have been asking how I've been doing.  To be honest, I don't even know how to answer that anymore.  I'm here, living & breathing to see another day so I'm blessed.  I try to keep in mind that there is always someone worse off than my situation. I try so hard to see the blessings in this storm.  Some may think that I'm masking my feelings by working.  I don't call it work, I call it healing. I've never felt a heartache so painful, so debilitating that some days I   can't even move from the bed.  But I do, eventually...every time I think about how long & how damn hard she fought to live.

It is called iaMEallofME right? The GOOD & The BAD.

I didn't post to say that, It just came out.  Sorry guys!  However, I wanted to share with you some candids, enjoy.

Nostalgia's logo =) I love it!

Preparing for a promo shoot & styling gig. A few shoe choices!
Vintage hats, belts, bags
Another shot =)
A few more accessories with some iaME pieces mixed in ;-)

I'll be sure to keep you all updated on this journey!

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