Wednesday, March 17, 2010

MEag:It's My Birthday, I can cry if I want to!

Yesterday was absolutely BEAUTIFUL.  I could not have asked for better weather on my birthday!  After the weekend festivities I just wanted to chill and enjoy the breeze..... and that's exactly what I did.  I worked (yes, on my birthday..ever thankful for the gift of a j o b), napped, then caught a late dinner and movie with my love and forever friend Nia.  Pics of my outfit below...

After being in heels alll weekend and my feet paying the price..I just wanted to be comfy!
Grey V-neck slub Tee, Jade Leggings and Grey Western Boots from Journey's.
Chain scarf was a Birthday gift from mommy :)

Yes, both sides of my head are now shaved...(what?? it's just hair!)

Purple Blazer thrifted, Currently my favorite jacket.  It's a gorgeous shade of purple and extremely versatile.

Easy way to snazz up a simple oufit..accessorize.  I can think of so many ways to style this scarf.  I love it!

Details..I love the cut-out pattern of the boots.


I was too pooped Sunday to post but I went to the Casino Saturday with my forever friend Dashuna and crew.  Needless to say it was a fail.  Although we didn't lose too much, we hadn't an idea of Casino etiquette. FUN TIMES lol.  Anywho pics below...

There's that jacket again :)
Destroyed Black Denim F21, Shoes ALDO, Bag thrifted

Earrings, Zebra Necklace, and Bow cuff Bracelet F21.  I picked up this bag at a thrift store a few years ago and I love the print.  When I seen it, I immediately thought of Spike Lee's Do The Right Thing.

Me & Shuna trying to figure out how to pose. 
This post would be 10 pages long if I began to tell you about all of the memories we've shared.  She truly gets ME and I get HER.  Cheers to Forever Friends! :)



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