Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I love this quote =) although has been idle for the past month or so, trust that the works of iaME has not.  I had to take a step back and prioritize.  My initial reason for blogging was to let you all in on the developments of iaME and the t-shirt line.  Although I have come to enjoy the outlet of blogging it started to sway my focus a little bit more than anticipated.  Right now my focus is on BUILDING a brand.  I can talk about it all day but if the fruits of my labor aren't attainable then why speak on it.

I appreciate all of the support with iaME and the blog! Believe it or not you all inspire me to move forward, stay focused, remain resilient, and most of all remain passionate about what GOD has called me to do.  I have soooo much passion that I couldn't even foresee all of the hardwork it entails.  But it's that same passion that pushes me to keep it moving.  The hardwork drives me even more so that I've decided to add more to my plate =) I'll tell you more about it a bit later (I promise).

I'm happy to say that the product development phase is complete.  I am in the process of finding sponsors, launching an online store, relocationg (ME, not iaME), living, and loving.

I leave you with this, if what you are doing isn't something that you are TRULY passionate about then why do it?

iaME the blogger shall return
